Keynote Speaker I |
Title:Comparative Analysis in Convective Heat Transfer
Enhancement by Nanofluids |
Prof. Oronzio Manca
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
The Second University of Naples, Italy
Member of
- American Society of of Mechanical Engineering ASME
- Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica UIT
- American Nano Society ANS
- Associazione Tecnica dell’Automobile ATA
Associate Editor for
- Journal of Heat Transfer
- Journal of Porous Media
Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards for
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering
- Journal of Engineering
- The Open Thermodynamics Journal
- The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal
- Nano Energy and Nano Environment |
Main research activities:
Heat Transfer, Thermal Sciences and Applied Thermodynamics.
In detail:
- active solar systems;
- passive solar systems;
- high temperature solar systems;
- refrigerant fluids;
- conduction in solids irradiated by moving heat sources, analytical and numerical solutions in material processing;
- combined radiative and conductive fields in multilayer thin films;
- natural and mixed convection in material processing, thermal control of electronic equipment and solar systems;
- convection in porous media and microchannels;
- heat transfer in nanofluids.
Keynote Speaker II |
Title: Modeling, Control, and Scientific Computation for
Complicated Engineering Problems |
Dr. Yunhua Li
Professor of Mechatronics and Hydraulic Control
Division 303ˇ]Department of Mechatronicsˇ^
School Automation Science and Electric Engineering
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Executive committee member of Fluid Power Transmission and Control of CMES, since 2000
- Committee member of Fluid Control Engineering of CMS, since 2005
- Secretary-general of Academic Committee of Sch. Auto. and Electric Eng. of Beihang University, since 2005
- Technical Editorof IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
- AE of International Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Published in USA), since 2009
- AE of International of Journal of Control Theory and Applications(Published in India), since 2008
- Editor in Chief of Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Seals, since 2007
- Reviewer to serve for IEEE/ASME TMECH, IEEE Trans. Power Sys., ASME J. Dyn. Sys. Meas. & Control, IJCAS, Canada TMECH, etc
Main research activities:
hydraulic and mechatronic control of the field robot
In detail:
- mechatronics
- hydraulic power transmission and control
- mechatronic system nonlinear dynamics and control
- networked control
- electro-magnetic and electro-hydraulic actuators
- mobile robot construction machinery
Invited Speaker III |
 Title: Laser-based material processing and electronics fabrication |
Prof. Daeho Lee
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Gachon University, Korea
- 03/2014-present Gachon University (Seongnam, Korea), Assistant Professor, Depatment of Mechanical Engineering
- 10/2012-02/2014 Laser Thermal Lab at UC Berkeley (Berkeley, USA), Postdoctoral Research Associate
- 05/2013-02/2014 Lawrence Livermore National Lab (Livermore, USA), Visiting Scientist
- 03/2009-02/2014 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley, USA), Guest researcher
- 08/2008-09/2012 Laser Thermal Lab at UC Berkeley (Berkeley, USA), Research Assistant
- 01/2007-07/2007 Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (Seoul, Korea), Staff Engineer, Division of Overseas Plant
- 03/2005-12/2006 Integrated Energy & Environment Lab at Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea), Research Assistant
- 03/2002-02/2005 Handol Pumps Ltd. (Industrial process pumps manufacturing company) (Incheon, Korea), Engineer, Division of Manufacturing & Design
Main research activities:
In detail:
- Development and application of the laser processing for nanomaterials
- Laser assisted printing techniques for the fabrication of functional nanostructures
- Laser assisted chemical vapor deposition (LACVD) of semiconducting materials
- Flexible Electronics, Wearable Electronics
- Transparent conductors
- Sustainable Energy Device (dye sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells)
- Water splitting for hydrogen production
- Flexible Electronics, Wearable Electronics
- Laser processing for clean and high-efficiency energy technology
- Nanomaterial synthesis and characterization