Plenary Speaker I |
Title: Ultrasensitive superresolution microscopy |
Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi Advanced Ultrafast Laser Research Center
The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Chair Professor of
National Chiao-Tung University
Specially appointed professor of
University of Electro-Communications
Membership of
Optical Society of America
American Physical Society
American Chemical Society
Physical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Applied Physics
Chemical Society of Japan
Spectroscopy Society of Japan
Outstanding Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Optic’s and Fine Mechanics in Shanghai, 2011
Humboldt Award, Outstanding Research in the Development of Ultrashort Pulse Laser and Ultrafast Processes in Molecules, 2011
The Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2012
Fellow of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2013
Senior Member of the Optical Society of America, 2015
Fellow of the Laser Society of Japan, 2015
Main research activities:
Ultrafast and nonlinear optical processes
Quantum optics
Quantum photobiology
Plenary Speaker II |
Title:Microgrid Technologies – Research Projects and Challenges in Maritime Power Systems |
Prof. Josep M. Guerrero Department of Energy Technology
Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
Editor for
Associate Editor for
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
The best paper award of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2014-2015
Awarded by Thomson Reuters as Highly Cited Researcher, 2014-2015
Elevated as IEEE Fellow for the contributions on “Distributed Power Systems and Microgrids”
Main research activities:
Energy, Microgrids.
In details:
Coordinated and cooperative control of Microgrids: droop control, virtual impedances.
Hierarchical control of Microgrids: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary control layers.
DC Microgrids and DC electrical distribution systems.
Power Quality in Microgrids: harmonics, unbalance, flickers.
Communications in Microgrids
Invited Speaker III |
Title: Questions to Ask Yourself before Starting a Business |
Ms. Sara Liu Senior Consultant, Atelligent Global Consulting
Ms. Sara Liu is a disciplined professional with more than 20 years international business expertise in sales, marketing research, business strategy planning, product marketing and innovation based on consumer insights and experience design across numerous IT and CE product categories. She is also a visionary, creative, results oriented and multi-tasking team player with extensive and diversified experience working with people with different interests, backgrounds and nationalities across global, regional and country levels in her past careers at Dell Inc. Philips Electronics, Compal, Clevo, and other companies.
Keynote Speaker VI |
Title: Metal particle manipulation by laser irradiation in glasses |
Prof. Hirofumi HIDAI Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chiba University, JAPAN
Chef secretary in Manufacturing & Machine Tool Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (2016-)
Board member in The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (2015-)
JSPE Best Paper Award (2015) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
Best Paper Award (2014) from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
JSPE Best Paper Award (2013) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
JSAT Young Researcher Award (2012) from The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
JSAT Paper Award (2010) from The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
JSPE Award (2002) from The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
Main research activities:
Laser machining, Micromachining
In details:
Particle manipulation by laser irradiation in glasses
Laser drilling
Fabrication of patterns by laser photopolymerization
Keynote Speaker V |
Title: Heat transfer in micro-channels filled with porous media under local thermal non- equilibrium conditions without and with dissipation |
Prof. Oronzio Manca Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
The Second University of Naples, Italy
Member of
American Society of of Mechanical Engineering ASME
Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica UIT
American Nano Society ANS
Associazione Tecnica dell’Automobile ATA
Associate Editor for
Journal of Heat Transfer
Journal of Porous Media
Member of the Editorial Advisory Boards for
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Journal of Engineering
The Open Thermodynamics Journal
The Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal
Nano Energy and Nano Environment
Main research activities:
Heat Transfer, Thermal Sciences and Applied Thermodynamics.
In details:
active solar systems;
passive solar systems;
high temperature solar systems;
refrigerant fluids;
conduction in solids irradiated by moving heat sources, analytical and numerical solutions in material processing;
combined radiative and conductive fields in multilayer thin films;