The International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering 2016
Call for Papers
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Conference Topics

Topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:

  1. SPINTECH Technology Thesis Awards Section
  2. Patent based inventions in applied science and engineering
  3. Inventions in devices, sensors and actuators
  4. Inventions in processes
  5. Inventions in Sensing and Automation System
  6. Inventions in Energy and Thermal/Fluidic science
  7. Inventions in Biotechnology and Materials
  8. Inventions in Surface Science and Nanotechnology

invited session

Technical papers on the aspects related to (but not limited to) those in the topics of interest are invited for oral presentation.
The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with at least six manuscripts on a well-defined subject of current interest. If you are interested in it, please email us the title of the session, the name and full contact details of the session organizer, and a list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and corresponding author of each paper. All papers in invited sessions will be subject to review and assessment by the program committee.

Application form for the invited session: ( Click )



To be continued...