Keynote Speaker I |
Title: Ultrasensitive superresolution microscopy |
Prof. Takayoshi Kobayashi Advanced Ultrafast Laser Research Center
The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Chair Professor of
National Chiao-Tung University
Specially appointed professor of
University of Electro-Communications
Membership of
Optical Society of America
American Physical Society
American Chemical Society
Physical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Applied Physics
Chemical Society of Japan
Spectroscopy Society of Japan
Outstanding Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Institute of Optic’s and Fine Mechanics in Shanghai, 2011
Humboldt Award, Outstanding Research in the Development of Ultrashort Pulse Laser and Ultrafast Processes in Molecules, 2011
The Chemical Society of Japan Award, 2012
Fellow of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2013
Senior Member of the Optical Society of America, 2015
Fellow of the Laser Society of Japan, 2015
Main research activities:
Ultrafast and nonlinear optical processes
Quantum optics
Quantum photobiology
Keynote Speaker II |
Title:Microgrid Technologies – Research Projects and Challenges in Maritime Power Systems |
Prof. Josep M. Guerrero Department of Energy Technology
Aalborg Universitet, Denmark
Editor for
Associate Editor for
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
The best paper award of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2014-2015
Awarded by Thomson Reuters as Highly Cited Researcher, 2014-2015
Elevated as IEEE Fellow for the contributions on “Distributed Power Systems and Microgrids”
Main research activities:
Energy, Microgrids.
In details:
Coordinated and cooperative control of Microgrids: droop control, virtual impedances.
Hierarchical control of Microgrids: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary control layers.
DC Microgrids and DC electrical distribution systems.
Power Quality in Microgrids: harmonics, unbalance, flickers.
Communications in Microgrids
Keynote Speaker III |
Dr. Ronggui Yang Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
S.P. Chip and Lori Johnson Faculty Fellow for 2013-2017
The Sanders Faculty Fellow for 2008-2012
The member of ASME
The Vice Chair (2012-2014) and the upcoming Chair (2014-2016) of the Nanoengineering for Energy and Sustainability (NEES) Steering Committee of ASME Nanoengneering Council
The founding Vice Chair of the K-9 Technical Committee on Nanoscale Thermal Transport of ASME Heat Transfer Division.
ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer, 2010
An NSF CAREER Award, 2009
The MIT Technology Review’s TR35 Award
The DARPA Young Faculty Award, 2008
The Goldsmid Award for Research Excellence in Thermoelectrics, 2005
A NASA Tech Brief Award for a Technical Innovation, 2004
Main research activities:
In details:
The fundamentals of nanoscale transport phenomena (thermal, electrical, thermoelectric, phase-change)
The applications of micro/nanotechnologies for energy conversion, storage and thermal management.